Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 10: The Beach

I LOVE the beach. There's something so peaceful about having your toes in the sand and a book in your hand.

Mark and I took a trip to Destin recently. We went with NO plans but to sit on the beach all week!
2014 has been a tough year! If you know me personally, follow my blog or my facebook page you know some of what we have been through. Needless to say we needed this vacation badly.

I do have clothes on:)

I recently had the privilege to speak on a panel with 5 other women to our Women's  Ministry at our Church. We talked about going "Deeper" with our relationship with God. I had to admit that I have been in the deep for years until this year. At the beginning of the year we lost our furry babies who were our kids. We had Buster for 13 years and Gizmo for 8 years. They passed away a month a part. The very next month our we did an IVF treatment and it was unsuccessful. I began feeling myself get closer to the shore rather than going deeper. In July, my amazing mom passed away. This year has thrown me for a loop. I can admit that I am in a hurting/grieving period. I'm on the sand letting the waves cover my feet, when they hit the shore. I talked about how it was ok to a time to recover. If you watch a surfer they go out deep, catch a wave and ride it to the shore. Then take a minute and head back out. That's where I currently am, on the shore to catch my breath, be refreshed in the Lord and regain my strength. Sometimes we feel defeated or discouraged when we take time to stand in the ankle deep water. God's word says "Be still and know that I am God". It's ok to take those moments to refresh, a surfer can't live in the deep nor can they catch a wave in the shallow! If you find yourself on the shore looking out at the beautiful ocean, know this is only for a season. Before you know it you will be right back on your surf board out in the deep.

If you have never been to Destin I highly recommend it!!!

We celebrated  our 13th wedding anniversary! I'm one blessed girl!!

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