Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 7: Don't ignore the dashboard lights

It had been a day! Our washer was leaking, clothes were piled up from vacation, Mark was out of uniforms for work and needed some washed. Laundromat time....the laundromat we use isn't just any ole laundromat, it's state of the art. We live in a college town so it's catered to be an enjoyable task instead of a daunting task, laundry normally is. Inside, there is a restaurant and a bar with a nifty little light board to notify you when your machines is done.  Does this count as a date night? Afraid so:) So off to the laundromat to spend our Friday evening! 

Our normal drive into town went a little different on this night. 
A quote from my Facebook page.  

"Today I lost my "Wife Of The Year" Award. I have been driving my car (for a few days) with the gas light on! I HATE getting gas. Mark and I headed to town.
Mark: Oh you need gas.
Me: You can make it to the Shell Station.
Next thing I know....
Mark: We are out of gas:(
My amazing hubby pushes me and my SUV a mile to the gas station!! He wins "Hubby Of The Century"!!"

Stopping to get gas takes 5-10 minutes right? We run out and are on the side of the road. My awesome hubby pushes us. 
The whole ordeal takes about an hour out of our already busy schedule. 

An hour wasted because I was too stubborn and had decided that waiting for gas to pump was a waste of time.  I was to busy to stop and pump gas for 5 minutes. In the long run I  inconvenienced my hubby and threw off our whole night. 

How many times do we do this to God? He wants 5 mins of our time to reveal a life changing answer that we had been praying for, to show us how to change our path, refresh us, give us peace or maybe just to comfort us. Sometimes we are to busy to stop for 5 mins and relish in God's presence. Then a life circumstance happens "like running out of gas" and we ask God "where were you?". God was there along trying to get our attention but we were ignoring the cool dashboard lights that had been signaling to us for 3 days now!! 

Don't ignore the dashboard lights God has placed before you! Take time each day, even if it's just 5 minutes! Put on a worship song in the car and just bask in his love! It may just be the answer to your prayers!! 

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