Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's been awhile....

Boy have I missed writing! I can't believe it's been about two months. I'm so sorry! So much has happened.  Our fundraiser was amazing. A cold front came in the day of and it was freezing! Our support system didn't let that stop them! They showed up in a big way! We raised enough money to cover our IVF meds!  We started the IVF process in Feb by starting birth control. On 3/7 I went for my baseline blood work and ultrasound.  On  4/8 we received the devastating call that out IVF was unsuccessful! Mark and I were so heartbroken! I have to tell you for us the IVF process was a breeze. From the daily injections to the egg retrieval to transfer. I didn't have any complications through the whole process and for that I am so thankful! The hardest part was the traveling back and forth to Houston every other day. It got very tiring.  But once again our support system came through. We were trying to use Marks vacation days sparingly so when he couldn't go our friends stepped up and went with me! One  of my dearest friends went with me to 3 appointments in one week! She even went into the room with me! At one point I had some pain and she even held my hand! Now that's a true friend:)  After that appointment my friend said " WOW! I'm learning more about conception than I ever thought possible". So true! Mark and I have learned so much about our bodies and how they function! It's so funny!  I plan on writing another blog soon with more details about our personal experience during IVF.  We have a follow-up appointment with our Doctor  on 4/22. We do plan on doing one more round of IVF. Until next time......Much Love~The Mosley's

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm new to your blog. I had the same experience with my first round of IVF. Everything was a breeze, until it didn't work. Ugh! You seem to be taking everything in stride. I wish you lots of luck.
