Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 26: Q & A Part 2

Q. What goes through your head when a family member or friend announces they are expecting?

I wouldn't be human if I said I never think "when me God", or"when will it be our turn?". I remember when we first started treatments last year and a friend had just found out she was expecting. We were in a group setting and she pulled me to the side, told me she was pregnant and was about to announce it to the group. She wanted me to know so that I wasn't blind sided. The way that situation was handled spoke volumes to me. My feelings were thought of. I felt loved and cared for. You never know what someone is going through. They could have just gotten the news that the
treatment they spent thousands on was unsuccessful, they could have just had a miscarriage, or they could have just started their period which means they are not pregnant!  I remember the day I made our consultation for our IVF, another pregnancy announcement was made. I ultimately was happy for this couple but I was emotional and scared for what our future held. I had a moment of selfishness and was a little angry with GOD. I didn't understand why this was happening to us. I now know that God is using us and our story for his glory!!

Q. What kind of tests and all did you have to do be diagnosed?

I don't even know where to start. I have had numerous tests, ultrasounds and medicines. Be your own advocate. Research and don't be afraid to get a second opinion.

Q. What determines whether or not you are IVF candidates.

A. Our OBGYN made a plan of action. After we did all that he could for us he referred us to a Fertility Specialist in Houston who did a series of tests. We left the decision up to the professional.

 Q. How have you and Mark stayed positive and focused?

I would say our Church is the main reason! We have an amazing support system and attend a life giving Church!

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