Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 27: Transfer Day 2nd Time

Today is an exciting day! We have two  perfectly good embryos waiting to be transferred to my womb. Our appt is at 11:30 procedure scheduled for 12.

I am to arrive with a full bladder. "Please drink 30 ounces of water 30 minutes before you arrive" the instruction papers said.

We are stuck in Houston traffic so I begin to drink my water! Yay! Done!! As we in pull to
the parking garage. And boy do I need to pee already!

We go up the elevator into the small waiting room, rung the door bell and waited for the nurse.

The friendly nurse opens the door and leads Mark and I to the room. I sign some papers, one is concerning Ebola and one is my Post Transfer Instructions. The nurse leaves Mark and I to change into our hospital gowns, hats and booties!


At 11:55 I'm walked into the procedure room. The lights are green. The nurse does a belly ultrasound to see how full my bladder is. You want a full bladder so the Dr. can see the uterus better on the ultrasound when he's does the transfer. The nurse declares my bladder is indeed full and steps out to get our Dr. She returns just a moment later to inform us that our Dr. is running LATE and not sure how late he is running!

The thought runs through my head "I'm going to pee on myself". The nurse comes over to where I am laying on the bed and said "I can let you go to the bathroom if you really need to. You can pee for 4-Mississippi's."

I toughed it out!

At 12:25 our Dr. came in! YAY!! Time to get started. I have to tell the embryologist my name and date of birth. Just to verify our embryos for security!  Thanks to medical technology, we then get to see on embryos on the TV screen that are under the microscope.

Embryos are graded, A-D. A being the best.

One of ours was a HIGH A (#2) and one was a HIGH B (#3)! That is a good thing! 
#2 has already broken out of the protective shell and is ready for implantation. #3 still has the protective shell and as it continues to grow it to will break out and be ready to implant as well.
The transfer part of the IVF is really easy it takes less than 5 minutes.
I am now allowed to pee! Woo Hoo!
After I used the restroom I am lead back to the room and instructed to lay down for 10 minutes. 
Our 10 minutes are up and I get dressed and we leave.
Rest of the day is a no work day and light activity around the  house.
Then the dreaded two week wait begins............

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